You don’t have to do 200 sit ups a day to get strong, toned abs. In fact 200 sit ups a day will probably make things worse.

Why? Because that is way too much spinal flexion which creates short abdominal muscles. And short abs encourage poor posture.

In a previous blog (review here) I have talked about how good alignment is the best thing for good looking abs. No matter how toned your are, slouching protrudes your tummy.

So, the best ab toning exercises involve your spine being vertical…e.g. when seated or standing. Please see below for related links of previous videos that cover this.

For this week’s video, let’s focus on ab strength in a flowing manner. This exercise does involve spinal flexion, but the abs are kept in good length and we take time to relax and neutralise at the end.

Video here and more to read below…


 Trust that your muscles will engage naturally when you need them

Another key thing about toning abs is not too engage your abdominal muslces before you begin (or at any stage of the movement, or in fact ever in your life).

Traditional Pilates and many other disciplines will often have you do that. You will hear terms such as ‘engage your core’ or ‘pull your navel to your spine’. When when your break them down, these cues make no sense and have no place in an effective exercise regime.

Do you tense your quads before doing a squat or your pecs before dong a press up? Of course not. Pre engaging a muscle creates unnecessary tension, stops your natural breath and reduces your range of motion and therefore your end result is compromised.

I started teaching traditional Pilates in 1999, but 1 month later I was introduced to movement concepts from Judith Aston. So, luckily these limiting cues never stuck in my teaching. (Link below to Judith’s website).

Remember, if you sit and walk with good alignment your abs are already lightly toned…no need for engaging.

It’s time to let go of holding your body and trust that strength will be there when your need it…naturally.

See below for a great video by Eric Franklin that talks more about this.

Please join in with this week’s video and enjoy a relaxed tone to your abdomen.

Take care

Thanks Danny


Previous Related Blogs

Standing postural length with over ball

Ab toning with a pole!

Related Links

Eric Franklin has a great video here about why not to grip your abs. There is also a part 2 to look out for.

Aston Kinetics Website