This week I’m sharing with you a movement concept that I learned from Judith Aston of Aston Kinetics.

Many of us know about gravity. A force that brings two objects together. Since we are smaller than the earth, we get drawn to it…this stops us floating into space!

In exercise and ageing terms, gravity is something we often try to counter by pulling the body up.  But this creates tension and is unnecessary…there is another way.

The Wonders of Nature 

What doesn’t get so much press is gravity’s friend – ground reaction force or GRF.  This is basically gravity’s equal opposite force that is constantly pushing us up and giving the body support.

We can use these natural forces to our advantage…simply by creating an energising flow between the two.

We no longer need to fight gravity…we need to let go into it and feel support from the GRF beneath. This reduces the tension created by pulling the body up.

We can exaggerate GRF by pushing the around away anytime we need to reach up for something.  A great tool during exercise.

Once you catch this wave, it’s like a source of free energy that we can use anytime we need it.

Below is a short video demonstrating this.  It’s a mini dumb-bell sequence that will enliven and free up your whole body.

It’s also a great ‘pick-me-up’ alternative to caffeine or sweet food!

Try it today and feel the difference.

Take care Danny