There are 2 forms of exercise:

Formal exercise in a gym/studio environment and

Informal exercise that comes about through simple daily movements.

In fact, every movement you make is exercise!

In last week’s video, I talked about optimal seat height and screen position for computer work. If you missed that, please click here. Here are a few reminders of why it’s important to sit with good alignment.

  • To lengthen and tone abdominal muscles
  • To help breathing and digestion
  • Keep energy levels up
  • Reduce neck and back tension/pain
  • To keep your joints more supple
  • Reduce likelihood of future injury
  • To support your workouts

Here is this week’s video – 1 stretch to save your body from the perils of sitting!


A recent study has shown that 6 hours of sitting negates an hours exercise. Let’s repeat that…you can exercise for an hour every day and still not reap the benefits if the majority of your day is spent sitting.  That is how important it is to get up and stretch at regular intervals.

Here are a few other ideas to help you move about more during the day:

  • Do some spinal exercise while seated example here
  • Make sure you get outside and take a short walk a few times a day.
  • Turn away from your computer screen at regular intervals to close your eyes, sit with good alignment and take 5 slow breaths. You will return refreshed and relaxed.
  • Place a ‘post it’ note or coloured sticky dot to your computer screen/watch/mouse, etc as a reminder to get up and move around every 15 minutes.  You can even set an alarm on your phone.
  • Join in with 10 minute exercise videos at random times of the day:
  • If your set up allows, stand while reading articles or watching videos on your computer. You might need to raise your lap top or computer screen to eye level.
  • While at your computer do the exercise in the above video every 15 minutes.  You can make up your own exercises too…just keep moving. Unless you are meditating, it’s good to fidget!
  • You can even break up long drives and gardening stints with the same exercise.

Take care, keep moving!

