I like to practice what I preach and to keep in shape, the Restore Your Body Programme is what I do.

As part of my latest online videos I have been recording myself as I train.

Which basically means I get to workout as I work…great for me and you!

These full length, real time videos are titled ‘Train with Danny’.

One of the 6 categories of my programme concerns Strength Training.

If you haven’t seen this short list of strength training benefits, here is a reminder:

  • Build new muscles
  • Maintain muscle tone
  • Keep metabolically active even at rest
  • Vital as part of an effective weight loss programme
  • Multiple health benefits/disease prevention
  • Bone strength
  • Injury prevention
  • Enhanced postural alignment
  • Improvement in sports performance
  • Stress reduction and mood enhancer
  • Feeling empowered
  • Supports brain health

Got to be worth a try once a week!

stretch band roll

Below is a full length routine of highly effective slow strength training using a ‘stretch band’,
sometimes called a resistance band or Theraband.

As always I have included time for body sensing, warming up and cooling down.

Stretch bands are easy to buy on Amazon and your local sports shop might have them too. If possible buy a real of band and then cut to size. I tend to use the 3.5 metre Franklin Method Bands as they are more versatile than the shorter ones, are latex free and high quality.

Stretch bands are an ideal travel companion. Wherever you go, just slip it in your travel bag, find me online and train!



Don’t have a band to hand? Find many other strength routines on the Strength Training category.

Enjoy this workout and keep in touch with how you get on.

Take Care

Thanks Danny


Train with Danny – Related Blogs

Strength Training 1 – Dumb-bells

Cardio 1 – Dynamic conditioning

Healthy Eating – Part 2