If you often find yourself stooped over and in a less than desirable posture, then this week’s video is definitely for you.

This blog compliments the suggestions in a previous blog about sitting with good alignment. Please click here to play this before or after todays video.  Good posture coupled with moving well throughout the day are key factors in keeping your spine supple.

Long periods of sitting soon lead to your body feeling rather stuck.

Even if you do move about a lot, at times you may well find yourself slouched  (spine flexed – this is where your pelvis tucks under, shoulders become rounded and your body feels compressed.  Before long, aches and pains soon set in.

There is an instant remedy…you just need to extend your spine!

Please take 5 minutes to do this one exercise at some point today.  Your back will thank you for it!

Take care thanks Danny



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One stretch to correct slouching