This week’s video doesn’t have any sprinting, strength training or stretching.

It does however have the pre-cursor to all those.

This video is about standing postural alignment and body awareness…your body!

Why is good alignment important?

There are many, many reasons. For now, here are 3 things to consider:

  1. If you exercise with poor alignment then you are not going to reap the full benefits of your workout. Also, you ‘train in’ that same poor posture.
  2. If you eat with poor alignment you are not going to digest the meal as efficiently.
  3. If you work with poor alignment your body and breath become crunched up and you are less likely to be as productive.

It’s the same when you’re standing and with walking. Poor posture leads to wear and tear and an imbalance of muscles and joints. This can lead to pain and increases the risk of falling and injury.

Give your body space and freedom by… 

…walking, eating, sitting and exercising with your best (yet relaxed) alignment

Start here…please play the video below and enjoy a guided journey through your own body to find your best alignment. For this we use standing postural concepts from Aston Kinetics (link below).

Exercise, daily life and eating well are all aspects of the Restore Your Body Programme. You can review the whole programme with this link.

Enjoy your body, take care.

Thanks Danny



Related links

Posture with the over-ball – Play this video after the above

Find natural inner thigh toning with great posture

Check out the new Aston Kinetics website here