What I am about to share with you is one of the most simple, yet overlooked components of a successful fitness programme. Once you get a taste for this, it is something you can re-visit at anytime.

What am i talking about?….discovering your own personal drive.

Your doctor, physio, friend, partner or other family member may have said you need to exercise. This could be for many reasons and here are the obvious ones:

Increase Energy, Improve Health, Lose Weight, Tone Up, Increase Flexibility, Core Strength, Cardio Fitness, Improve Posture, Feel Better Inside, Reduce Pain, Sport Specific, Release Depression.

The list goes on and on and although their suggestions maybe accurate and come with good intensions, their advice is still coming from the outside.

The question is, why do YOU want to exercise?

For lasting success you need to find your own inner motivations.

Without this drive what is going to keep you on track?

The answer is simple, you need to set clear intensions that come from you…from the inside.

This requires a moment of reflection.  If you want core strength, what does that mean to you? Are you feeling a lack of strength, a bad back or do you want a better posture?  Find this out, then take it one step further to discover how this will benefit your life. Basically you are looking to get more and more information and clarity about your reasons.


3 Simple Steps on how to do this:

1 Sit down with pen and paper handy. Close your eyes, take a few long deep breaths and begin to think about your personal reasons for exercising. Take your time here. Let the information come from the inside…what is it you really want?  Write this down on the paper. Take as long as you like for this and write down as much as you need to.

2 Before your next work-out or class, take a couple of minutes to refresh your mind of 1 or 2 of your personal goals.

3 Then during the actual routine, keep these key goals in mind. Let them inspire you to do your best and maintain focus.

There you go, 3 easy steps that can make all the difference.

Make sure you do this exercise before your next routine.  And be sure to keep in touch with your progress.

Take care



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