No matter how often you do formal exercise, if the bulk of your day is sedentary, then you increase your chance of experiencing symptoms associated with aging…and sooner!  Our bodies are designed to move.  I’m all for relaxation and kicking back, but long periods of inactivity can quickly lead to body and health problems.

In a previous videos I have talked about how office workers should move around regularly, how we should all walk up stairs for glute tone, and simple tips like how to best reach for things that are high up.  All of these videos fall into the Restore Your Body Programme category of ‘daily life’.  The yoga studio, the gym, the pool are all great, but how well are you using your body the other 23 hours a day!  Daily life can be also be your workout arena.

Even chores such as vacuuming, raking or sweeping can be used as gentle and rhythmic exercises for your whole body.  It’s not as demanding as sprint sessions or slow strength training, but it does get you moving. So do it with awareness and  good body mechanics and your chores become part of your training.

Try out this 3 minute video…it helps if you have a vacuum or broom handy.

Enjoy your body whatever you do today!

Take care

Thanks Danny