Every day you have the opportunity to make lifestyle choices that set you up for amazing health.  Why be healthy?   Simple…you’ll feel great.

Together with exercise and stress management, good nutrition is a vital element for reaching and maintaining long and lasting health.

This blog is not about dieting or counting calories, it offers simple, practical steps that you can implement straight away. In just a few months you will have broken many health limiting patterns and will be feeling a sense of freedom with food.

If you are diabetic, pregnant, have an eating disorder or a health condition, please consult your doctor or a nutritionist before trying any of these tips.

 6 Simple Tips

1 Eat less – Many of us over eat which can have an effect on our weight management, digestion and energy levels.  And not not just over eating in general, but within each meal…like the yogi’s, it’s good to stop eating when you are 80% full.  As children we were often taught to finish our plate.  A belief your don’t need now.  Even at a friend’s house, or restaurant, if you are beginning to feel full, stop eating and relax.  You can always ask for a doggy bag!

If you feel you might have a tendency to overeat, start to eat about 5% to 10% less each meal and remember to stop when 80% full.  Tip 2 will really help with this.

2 Eat slowly – Even if you are in a hurry and hungry, when you eat, it’s time to slow down. If you wolf your food down, your are not likely to adsorb the energy the food is providing. Digestion begins in the mouth so chew slowly too.  Finish one mouthful before starting the next, remember to breathe and rest your cutlery or chop sticks down now and then.  You will be less likely to overeat when you slow down.  It’s good to drink some water before you eat, but not during.

3 Eat mindfully…Taste your food – Eating should not be something that gets in the way of your day, or something to rush in order to get back to work.  Make good food a priority.  When you eat, take your time and use your senses.  Look at your lovingly prepared food, (not the TV), smell it, and taste it…slowly.   This will help with points 1 and 2 above.  Also, take some time after you have eaten to sit and relax. Let your body begin to digest and absorb the nutrients.


4 Buy organic – For your health, that of your family and of the planet start to make more and more organic purchases.  The price is similar these days, the food tastes real and contains more nutrients!  Non organic foods carry pesticides, chemicals and preservatives which weaken your immune system. They are also likely to be genetically modified, which means the basic structure of the food has been altered (unnatural and unnecessary).

Buying organic is especially important with animal products.  Otherwise you might also be eating antibiotics and growth hormones.  If eating meat and dairy opt for organic and grass fed options only.   As well as your own health you are also supporting the planet and you know that the animals have been well treated. Research local farms.

5 Increase raw food – Make sure you eat some raw food every day (opt for vegetables, salad and nuts and not too much fruit).  Raw food retains the minerals, vitamins and enzymes that cooking can damage and is full of fibre so great for digestion.  Use the internet and look up recipes that help you include more raw food in your diet (especially using vegetables).

Here’s a quick tip: Use a hand blender to make a herb (coriander and parsley) pesto with sea salt and olive oil.  Then make a mixed veg coleslaw using a food processor (or some clever chopping).  Mix them together!

Below  is a photo of one of my raw chocolate recipes that is raw, grain free (low carb and no gluten), ultra low sugar, yet packed with health boosting ingredients.  Being healthy doesn’t mean going without!


6 Seriously reduce or cut out processed foods – Meals and sauces that have already been factory prepared offer little nutritional value. They are likely from low grade genetically modified foods, full of salt, preservatives, flavourings and sweeteners. They also tend to be more expensive (than whole foods), are inflammatory and highly addictive.  They’re also surrounded in plastic that you then heat in a microwave or oven – not a good combination.

Prioritise time to prepare your own dishes, dressings and sauces from scratch.  Make extra food and leave it in the fridge to enjoy for lunch the next day.   Simple tip: make your own ketchup with tomato puree, raw apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, a drop of honey (or best still 1/2 tsp luo han guo), sea salt.  Whisk together with a fork or for extra flavour blend with a few sun-dried tomatoes!

6 more tips to follow in future blog

None of these tips are about dieting, just life style changes that will gradually move you towards great health.  In a nut shell, you are looking to become a more conscious eater. Buy healthy, prioritise time to prepare meals, slow down, listen to your body and enjoy good food without being too strict.


You may need to be patient with nutritional changes as it can take a few months to really notice results.  But as always I advise thinking long term. Small changes over time is the most realistic way of eliminating bad habits and experiencing the great wonders of being healthy.

Not only will your weight naturally normalise, you will sleep better, have more energy for life and your fitness results will get a real boost! In the long run, you will also be less likely
to experience health problems.

Enjoy being healthy…start today…continue forever