If you are new to cardio vascular exercise (that which raises your hear rate), taking a walk that includes hills can be enough.  As your fitness improves, you will need to challenge yourself to keep gaining benefit.

One of the best ways to improve cardio vascular fitness involves short periods of flat out exercise interspersed with rests.  My favourite sequence involves 8 x 30 second blasts interspersed with 8 x 90 seconds rests.  The choice of blast is up to you!  Although many people perform sprints on one machine (e.g a cross trainer in the gym), I prefer the variety and functionality of body weight exercises.

This week’s video demonstrates in real time a full routine of 8 sprints.   (I have selected 4 exercises that you repeat twice).  You can easily design your own sprints to suit your requirements.  Organising appropriate intensity peak sprints is something I can help with on a one to one, either in person or via Skype.

Main Benefits of high intensity training

– Improved cardio-vascular health
– Reduces the ageing process by stimulating Human Growth Hormone
– Time efficient – amazing results in a short period of time 
– Burns large amounts of calories during and (up to 48 hours) after  the workout 
– No equipment needed. Train anywhere, anytime.
– It trains and improves anaerobic and aerobic fitness
– Weight bearing and high impact exercise strengthens bones

– It burns fat yet builds muscle
– You are likely to be more productive at work following a workout

– A natural energy boost and mood enhancer – you just feel great after!

The cardio training you will see in the video below is towards the more advanced level.  It is the opposite end on the longevity path to this relaxation blog!  I have been training to high intensity for many years with martial arts and sprint running.  If you are new to cardio vasuclar exercise, begin with the first 2 only and at a low intensity.  Then gradually progress to the full 8 rounds over several months.

Like nutrition, changes take time.  And be sure to monitor how you feel throughout.  You will see me moving close to my maiximum (while trying to speak)!  Find out what your maiximum is for that workout, on that day.

For a warm-up, please watch this video first

A little piece of TE AT SU Martial Arts

As an active rest between sprints, I have included a few steps of a kata from TE AT SU.  A martial art that I have been involved with since I was 10 years old.   This will help keep you relaxed during the recovery time so you’re refreshed and focused for the next sprint.

Try this out over the next few days. Be sure to drink water after and let me know how it goes.

Take care, thanks
